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Embracing The World October 10, 2012

Filed under: India,Peace,Poverty,Social,Spirituality,Sustainability — globallyawesome @ 12:51 pm
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Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma)

What they do:

Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is known throughout the world as Amma, or Mother, for her selfless love and compassion toward all beings. Her entire life has been dedicated to alleviating the pain of the poor and those suffering physically and emotionally. Amma inspires, uplifts and transforms through her physical embrace, her spiritual wisdom and through Embracing the World. Throughout her life, Amma has embraced and comforted more than 30 million people. When asked where she gets the energy to help so many people while simultaneously running a massive humanitarian organization, Amma answers: “Where there is true love, everything is effortless.”

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